Arizona Board of Regents to hold board meeting at University of Arizona
Pre-board meeting media briefing available
WHAT: The Arizona Board of Regents is holding its regular board meeting this week in Tucson, as well as a virtual briefing for the media prior to the meeting. Find the full agenda and meeting materials here.
WHEN: November 21-22 (check agenda for times and executive/public sessions).
WHERE: University of Arizona, Student Union Memorial Center, North Ballroom, 1303 E. University Blvd. Tucson, AZ; Livestream available at ABOR Live.
FOR MEDIA: Arizona Board of Regents staff will hold a briefing for members of the media to review the board meeting agenda. Board staff will be available to answer questions.
- WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 20, 9 – 9:30 a.m.
- WHERE: Zoom. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://asu.zoom.us/j/89048873140 or by calling (602) 753-0140, Meeting ID: 890 4887 3140.
PLEASE NOTE: This agenda may be amended at any time prior to 24 hours before the board meeting. Estimated starting times for the agenda items are indicated; however, discussions may commence, or action may be taken, before or after the suggested times. Any item on the agendas may be considered at any time out of order at the discretion of the board or committee chairs. The board or committees may discuss, consider or take action regarding any item on the agendas. During the meetings, the board or committees may convene in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) and for legal advice regarding any item on the agendas. Executive sessions are not open to the public. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(B) & (C) all are reminded that minutes of and discussions that occur in executive sessions are confidential by law and that violations of that confidentiality may subject the individuals involved to such penalties as are prescribed by law, including fines, costs, attorneys’ fees, and removal from office.