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Photo of former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor smiling at an event

Statement from ABOR Chair Larry E. Penley on Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Celebration Day

“Today, I wholeheartedly join Gov. Ducey in celebrating the inaugural Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Celebration Day in Arizona. Justice O’Connor’s legacy includes her commitment to educating our young people as citizens of our republic.

“Civics education is essential to an informed electorate and a viable democracy. That education is now an important part of Arizona classroom instruction, thanks to the Governor’s novel American Civics Act. Because of this important law, Arizona students are better able to understand and protect the principles on which this country was founded. Already, a majority of states have followed Gov. Ducey’s lead in establishing similar legislation. 

“The Arizona Board of Regents has directed Arizona’s public universities to revise our universities’ general education curriculum. The new curriculum now under development will extend what the Governor has done and better prepare graduates to participate fully as informed citizens in a robust constitutional democracy rooted in the American values of individual liberty, freedom of expression, self-reliance and equality under the law. 

“Arizona has always been a trailblazer. I thank Gov. Ducey for establishing the inaugural Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Celebration Day and shining the light on civics education to protect and advance our democracy.” 


Sarah Harper, 602-229-2542, 602-402-1341 |