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Photo collage of images from Arizona's public universities including students, buildings and landscapes

Statement by ABOR Chair Lyndel Manson on Gov. Hobbs’ State of the State address

“With her State of the State address today, Governor Hobbs made clear she is prioritizing education and has a keen understanding of the linkage between Arizona’s public schools and universities and the economy. The Arizona Board of Regents applauds her focus and stands committed to ensuring our public universities remain affordable and accessible to students and families across our state.

“Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona are not only world-class institutions of higher learning, they are problem solvers. Whether growing the ranks of Arizona teachers and health-care workers, combatting water shortages or finding ways to make forests more resilient, our public universities are meeting head-on the greatest challenges our state faces.

“A public university education has the power to change a student’s life. With the Arizona Promise Program, qualifying students have the opportunity to attend Arizona’s public universities with their tuition and fees paid. The board fully supports Governor Hobbs’ proposal to expand the Promise scholarship to help ensure a public university education remains within reach of every Arizona resident student.

“New leadership brings new opportunities to work together. We look forward to collaborating with Governor Hobbs, Speaker Toma, President Petersen and policymakers across our state to strengthen higher education and advance Arizona.”


Sarah Harper, 602-229-2542, 602-402-1341 |