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ABOR tuition setting calendar of events

The tuition setting process for Arizona’s public universities begins this month with a series of events that will lead to the Arizona Board of Regents voting on tuition and mandatory fees to be charged for resident and nonresident students at Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona for the 2016-17 academic year....>

ABOR votes to oppose bills regarding term limits, free speech zones

The Arizona Board of Regents today voted to oppose current legislative bills affecting the board and Arizona’s public universities, including bills that would shorten regents’ term lengths and permit the superintendent of public instruction to authorize a designee to serve in their place on the board....>

New tribal consultation policy approved by ABOR

The Arizona Board of Regents today approved a tribal consultation policy which implements consultation and communication principles governing interactions of Arizona’s public university with Arizona’s tribal nations on issues such as land use, education policy and research....>

ABOR statement on guns on campus bills

Given the board’s authority, recognizing changing policies on campuses around the nation and recurring events involving deranged or terrorist shooters on campuses and elsewhere...>