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All-Arizona Academic Team awarded scholarships to Arizona’s public universities

Nearly 80 community college students, members of the All-Arizona Academic Team, have been awarded scholarships to Arizona’s public universities in recognition of their outstanding academic performance and community service.

Each year, the Arizona Board of Regents provides tuition scholarships to exceptional Arizona resident community college transfer students. Scholarships cover resident tuition for 10 consecutive undergraduate semesters or 60 credits (whichever the student meets first) at an Arizona public university. More than 1,800 students have benefitted from the scholarship throughout its history.

“All of our scholarship winners should be proud of their accomplishments,” said Regent Larry E. Penley, who provided remarks during the virtual awards ceremony. “These inspiring students are exemplary in academics, community service and leadership. Through the All-Arizona Academic Team scholarship, these deserving students will be able to earn their bachelor’s degrees and we laud their commendable achievements.”

A collaboration between Arizona’s public universities, the Arizona Board of Regents and the state’s community colleges, celebrating the success of All-Arizona Academic Team members began in 1995.

Each recipient is nominated for the All-Arizona Academic Team scholarship to the Phi Theta Kappa International Honorary organization. Phi Theta Kappa conducts three rounds of judging, and scores from the national competition are used to rank students for the state team.

The No. 1 ranked student from Arizona receives the New Century Scholar Award, which includes a $2,000 stipend from the Coca-Cola Foundation, and the All-USA Academic Team First Team is honored at the annual convention of the American Association of Community Colleges.

To learn more about the All-Arizona Academic Team scholarship, visit this page.


Sarah Harper, 602-229-2542, 602-402-1341 |

Julie Newberg, 602-229-2534 |